Tuesday, 31 March 2009
What I'm Using
MAC Microfine Refinisher
Clinique Facial Soap Bar (Mild)
Clinique Moisture Surge Moisturizer
Clinique Take The Day Off Makeup Remover
L'Oreal Milk-To-Toner Makeup Remover
(I need a new remover =/)
Tressemme Shampoo (Anti-Frizz!)
Tressemme Conditioner (For Colour-Treated Hair)
Tressemme Heat Protection Spray
MAC Studio Fix Fluid Foundation (NC15)
MAC Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation (NC15)
MAC Studio Sculpt Concealer (NC15)
MAC Studio Sculpt Foundation (NC15)
MAC Fluidline (Blacktrack)
MAC Plush Lash Mascara (Blacktrack)
MAC Eyeshadow Pots (Most Used: Sketch, Shale, Satin Taupe, Swish, Saddle, Ricepaper, Gesso)
MAC Hello Kitty Lipsticks and Lipglasses
MAC Hello Kitty Blushes
BRUSHES MAC Except otherwise specified
109SE [Foundation]
214 [Packing on colour]
239 [Lid Colour]
217 [Blending and Highlight]
226 [Crease]
187SE [Blush]
Chanel #8 Kabuki Brush [Setting with Powder]
A Brief Rant
I have no idea why suddenly this is irritating me more than usual, but I'm very annoyed right now. Maybe it's because my body is adjusting TERRIBLY to the whole time-change fiasco, that I nearly fell asleep on the bus on the way into work. Not to mention that I bashed the inside of my ankle against the wheel well when I slid into my seat. Sigh. But, as usual, I'm digressing.
I'm just lucky that I've got a friend down south who's willing to CP items from the Pro store for me, otherwise life would be difficult. And I know, I know, you can mail order over the phone. But here's the thing about me - I hate ordering stuff over the phone. I even order my pizza over the internet. Do you seriously expect me to order makeup over the phone? Nevermind the fact that my indecisiveness would have some poor call centre representative on the phone for several hours while I agonized over the decision between three eyeshadows and a lip gloss.
I think MAC should seriously consider setting up another Pro store somewhere a little further north. Like, I don't know, Sheffield for example? Sheffield also desperately needs a standalone store please. Thank you.
On top of that, I just want to tell you all that I am currently in a state of constant irritation and sometimes-agony with my braces. By this point you would think they wouldn't bother me anymore but the past week or so it's really flared up. It probably doesn't help that I fell up the stairs on the weekend and jammed one of my braced-molars, and it's that whole side of my mouth that is constantly throbbing. Sigh. Six weeks today they will be off. Six weeks today and I will be 23 years old. God, I feel so old.
Finally - and this part is in relation to my previous post, whining that I had to cut down my Sugarsweet list due to money having to be diverted elsewhere - it seems that I would actually have enough cash left over for my whole Sugarsweet list. But, I think I might stick to my guns and get the shorter list anyway. I mean I figured, I've managed to cut it down a little bit so clearly the items I've managed to cut out are not essentials anyway.
Yet another mostly-useless blog post. But, there you have it. That's how I feel today.
In other, completely unrelated, news - I'm going to try to get some manner of tutorial up. Maybe my favourite Hello Kitty look? Or something a little more inventive. I'm not sure yet. Once I get some creative juices I'll figure out some tutorials to upload. Whoosh!
Monday, 30 March 2009
Tough Decisions
Here goes. I really cannot afford everything on my Sugarsweet Wish List.
And I'd rather forego an item or two I'd probably never use anyway, than get stuck into a stupid cycle of using the credit card and paying it off next month just to have to use it again. The card, is has a balance of ZERO right now, and I want to keep it that way. And the fact of the matter is, I have slightly less money this month than I thought I would due to an obscenely high gas bill, and the fact that I still have to pay international shipping to get my CP'd NYX Lot Sale purchases sent over from America.
So, my Sugarsweet wishlist has dwindled significantly. Or, it will. I'm just not sure where to start. The Perfect Topping MSF is one thing that I do really want. And I'm agonizing over the rest.
Lollipop Loving and Bubbles lipsticks are super, super gorgeous. But do I really need Saint Germain? I could probably just get away with ordering Snob and pretending I never saw the swatches that foretold of the slight difference between the two. It's a shame, because Saint Germain is the perfect bubblegum pink.
And, oh it pains me to say this but...the shadesticks. Oh, my, some of the shadesticks are going to have to go. I can maybe get a couple but all 5 are just not going to happen.
I hate downsizing, I'm indecisive enough to begin with, but such is the way of the world. If they're in stock at the end of April I have some overtime pay coming to me that means I could get the things I was missing on top of my Rose Romance list... but it's a gamble as to whether or not the things I want will still be in stock.
The life of a working-class makeup addict, it's a toughie.
So, that's where I stand. I wanted to blog about it because this? Having to cut down your wishlist because real things like bills crop up from time to time? This is real life. And I'm all about reality. And I'm trying my damndest not to be about debt.
So my Sugarsweet list is now:
Bubbles Lipstick
Lollipop Loving Lipstick
Perfect Topping MSF
Red Velvet Shadestick
Butternutty Shadestick
Cakeshop Shadestick
After all. I'm not exactly notorious for wearing yellow and orange eye makeup, so I could do without Penny and Lemon Chiffon. At least, that's how I'm rationalizing this to myself. At the end of the day, as much as I may want it, none of the items I've cut out so far were essentials or things I really needed to have.
Whew. I feel a little proud of myself after all that. Sorry for the boring rambling blog post, but there you have it.
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Latest MAC Haul
Ladies, we have Haulage.
I know I still haven't done my previous hauls yet - I completely forgot to take photos of my HK collection. Sigh. So at this point I really don't think there's a huge point in posting my HK haul at all (I mean, if you'd really like to see, tell me and I'll do it, but if there's no demand there's really not much point, right?).
Instead I'm just going to get myself back into the habit of posting hauls as they happen. Like today! Blow is a shot of today's combined haul =]
First the brushes. Top to bottom:
214 (BBR)
Next - Miscellaneous pots. Left to Right:
Studio Sculpt Concealer NC15
Fresco Rose Paint Pot
Painterly Paint Pot
Finally, the eyeshadows! Clockwise from top left:
Satin Taupe
Pincurl Eyeshadow swatches. Left to right
Pincurl (it's hard to see here but it's there!)
Satin Taupe
Carbon Love!
I've also got a new YT video up today!
Friday, 27 March 2009
Primer Potion Plus Paint Pot Versus Paint Pot
Anyway, the results of the test I posted earlier are in!
Advance warning, those of you who have seen my FOTD pics on Specktra and viewed my ever-so-few YouTube videos and who are now operating under the absolute certaintly that I have the most flawless complexion and dewy skin known to mankind, are in for a rude awakening. The below pictures, well, they show me at a point of exhaustion that no amount of makeup can hide with any degree of success. And I haven't touched up my concealer or foundation all day - makeup was applied at 7 this morning and photos were taken at 7 this evening. SO, all kinds of nasty imperfections are evident in the following photographs. You have been warned!
Anyway here's the info. I followed my usual routine for face - moisturizer, concealer, studio fix fluid foundation. Then on the right eye (my left eye, the one to the right in the photos) I used Bare Study paint pot as a base. On the right I layered the Bare Study paint pot over a thin layer of Urban Decay Primer Potion. The idea was to test whether or not UDPP made a difference, to see if Paint Pots would work as well as primers/bases on their own.
For those who are interested, the colours on my eyes were Paradisco on the inner corner, with Ricepaper then blended out over the entire lid, Swish washed on top of that, and with a light wash of Sable in the crease. I used Urban Decay 24/7 liner in 1999 to line the water line and upper lash line, then put some Kitty Power glitter liquid liner on top. Completed with a little Fascinating eye kohl under the inner corner of the eye and some Plushblack mascara. Tadahh, good to go.
Obviously the colour isn't exactly how it looked this morning, and you can view the below photos and make your own decisions, but I'm personally not seeing a HUGE difference between the eye with and without Primer Potion. I suppose the colour did stay SLIGHTLY more true with the UDPP underneath everything, but neither eye suffered from creasing or having the colours fade away.
So my verdict is that if you've got Paint Pots, use them. Primer Potion is great on its own as a primer, but if you want to use both the difference will only be marginal - both products perform pretty well on their own.
What do you guys think?

Just a quick edit to add that no, I didn't touch up my eyeliner ever. I'm really impressed with the staying power of these 24/7 liners, most markedly on the waterline. My eyes always water - usually while waiting for my bus to work, due to allergies or wind blowing in my face - so it's a miracle there was any left by the end of the day. But I didn't have to touch up once. Score! I'll do a proper review later, but this deserved to be mentioned =]
A Little Test
This led to a little experiment today. I've done my makeup for the day and have used Urban Decay Primer Potion and MAC Bare Study Paint Pot to prime one eye - and used only the Paint Pot on the other eye - basically to see if the paint pots are good enough on their own, or if UDPP will really make a difference.
I don't have any before shots yet because I ran out of time this morning before I left for work, but I'll update with after shots when I get home after work (and try to get a before shot in the next hour or so).
So, let's see how this goes!
Edit: Ugh. I just remembered that I left my mobile phone at home this morning so I won't get to do *any* before shots. Still, the afters should speak for themselves, if one eye looks worse than the other.
Thursday, 26 March 2009
This has nothing to do with makeup...
But last night while looking on YouTube for videos of my favourite J-Pop singers (Yes, I'm lame, and I have very weird and varied taste in music, let's get that out in the open right now), I stumbled across this song: W - Shiroi iro wa Koibito no Iro
Seriously, I am in love. The two girls in the band, I knew from another group that they were in when they were like 13, and they're both super adorable. But in this song their voices sound so much more mature and elegant than they used to. This song makes me feel happy and content and overcomes me with an overwhelming feeling of... calm. It's hard to describe.
I immediately had to go find an mp3 but haven't had a chance to put it on my iPod yet. But, this is my favourite song of the moment, and I love it so much I really needed to share. The song is beautiful even if you have no idea what exactly they're saying, but on the YT sidebar, if you click for More Info, it has the English translation.
After this I promise it'll be back to your regularly scheduled BEAUTY BLOG and less about rambling about music and the fur trade. I promise.
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
A Very Not-Rare Moment of Indecision
Do I buy some basics that I'm after? Like a couple items off my permanent-collection wishlist, or the BBR eyeshadows? Do I buy the Studio Sculpt Concealer I'm after?
Or do I put it aside to buy something from Kitty Kouture when it comes out? Or do I go ahead and buy a couple extras from Sugarsweet?
No... I narrowed down my Sugarsweet list to the things I really want and need. Anything else is superfluous, so I won't do that. But what should I do? Should I get some other items, get the mystery powder from HKK, or just shove it into savings until there's something I really want?
GOD, I suck out loud at making up my mind.
On an unrelated note, I wish MAC made Studio Fix Fluid in an NC10 or something. NC15 is just slightly too dark for me. I love the foundation to bits, but I could do with a shade lighter. Sigh.
Also, I want to appeal to you and ask, what do you think is the best concealer for dark circles? My MAC MA gave me Select Cover-Up in NC20 (which, incidentally, is clearly too dark, but whatever, with foundation on top you can't tell) but I don't think it really covers my dark circles so much as it makes them slightly lighter. That's why I want Studio Sculpt Concealer, for dark circles. Or is there something better that you can suggest?
I'm in the biggest indecisive mood right now, I don't know what to do with myself. I'm supposed to be going to Meadowhall with my aunt on Saturday and I don't know what to do with my Extra Budget. Makeup? A video game? (well, no. I need to play Fallout 3 and Silent Hill Homecoming before I buy MORE) Some stuff from Paperchase? Clothes? Shoes?
I wish I had more money. Thank god for overtime. I should have an extra couple hundred in next month's pay and LORD KNOWS I'm going to need it.
Sorry guys, I'm very disjointed today.
Xoxo, Vix
A Rare Political Post
And before the arguments and debates start, I want to clarify that the petition is not to interfere with peoples' rights as human beings, the right to hunt wild animals for survival. This petition is to stop the COMMERCIAL seal hunt, meaning seal-clubbing solely for the sake of fur trade.
But this the one I want everybody to look at right this minute. Yes, right now. I can wait.
To make a long story short, Interior Secretary Salazar has given the green light to "a Bush-era plan to kick the wolves of the northern Rockies off the endangered species list and leave them vulnerable to mass killing. More than 600 wolves could be caught in the crossfire of state-sponsored wolf hunts." (cited from the above link)
Yeah. These wolves were on the endangered species list, and now this man thinks it's okay to take them off it and make it okay to hunt them.
Please do not misunderstand me here. I'm not a vegetarian. God help me, I doubt I ever could be. People were biologically engineered to eat meat. However, I really can not condone or pretend to agree with killing for the sake of killing. Which is why I feel so strongly about these two causes. The first, because it's a travesty that seal-clubbing has been going on for so long and is thought to be okay. The second, because an endangered species is having their safety nets lifted away and allowing people to open fire. Once again, just for fur, or trophies.
I'm going to start rambling nonsensically if I don't stop here, so that's where I'll leave it off. But please, if you care and if you want to stop seal-clubbing, and want to stop legalized wolf-hunts before they can start, please click the above links and add your name.
xoxo, Vix
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Current MAC Wishlist
I warn you now, this is pretty long as it is: but bear with me because I'm new to buying MAC, remember. Most of it is for the eyes, which is the area I generally spend the most time and effort on.
So, here we go.
Note: Starred (*) items are limited edition but they're from previous collections and I really want them.
109: Contouring Brush
134: Large Powder Brush
227: Fluff Brush
219: Pencil Brush
231: Small Shader
And a decent concealer brush for the undereye area: any suggestions?
Blot Powder: Light
Powder Blush: Dollymix
Powder Blush: Springsheen
Powder Blush: Tenderling
Powder Blush: Dame
Blushcreme: Posey
Blushcreme: Lilicent
Iridescent Powder/Loose: Silver Dusk
Mineralize Blush: Gentle
Prep + Prime Face Protect SPF 50
Studio Sculpt Concealer: NC15
Lipstick: Shy Girl
Lipstick: Angel
Lipstick: High Strung
Lipstick: Frou
Lipstick: Myth (Can't decide between this and Frou)
Lipstick: Taupe
Lipstick: Velvet Teddy
Lipstick: Patisserie
Cremesheen Glass: Partial to Pink*
Cremesheen Glass: Melt In Your Mouth*
Cremesheen Glass: Boy Bait
Tinted Lipglass: Prrr
Tinted Lipglass: Nymphette
Tinted Lipglass: Spirited
Eyeshadow: Sketch
Eyeshadow: Shale
Eyeshadow: Carbon
Eyeshadow: Electra
Eyeshadow: 100 Strokes*
Eyeshadow: French Cuff*
Eyeshadow: Femme Fi*
Eyeshadow: Purple Haze
Eyeshadow: Shroom
Eyeshadow: Haux
Eyeshadow: Steamy
Eyeshadow: Juxt
Eyeshadow: Humid
Eyeshadow: Swimming
Paint Pot: Painterly
Paint Pot: Fresco Rose
Fluidline: Shade
Fluidline: Dipdown
Fluidline: Macroviolet
Eye Kohl: Minted
Eye Kohl: Phone Number
Eye Kohl: Teddy
Powerpoint Eye Pencil: Prussian
Powerpoint Eye Pencil: Stubborn Brown
Powerpoint Eye Pencil: Tealo
Brow Finisher: Clear
Eye Brows: Fling
Lash: 7
Lash: 20
Lash: 32
Where to begin? Just about everything =P
It's really not worth making a separate list of these, it'd be too long.
Other Items
Studio Mouisture Cream
[heard it's amazing, need to try]
Wow, that was longer than even I thought it would be. =/
Sugarsweet Wishlist
For example, I don't need any dark lipsticks - dark doesn't work for me. I don't need more sheer lipglosses right this minute, just because they're tri-coloured. And I know I'd go insane once the colours mixed. I'd rather spend that money on some dazzleglass, or lipglass colours I love.
So my final list is below:
Lipstick: Bubbles
Lipstick: Lollipop Loving
Lipstick: Saint Germaine
Shadestick: Cakeshop
Shadestick: Butternutty
Shadestick: Lemon Chiffon
Shadestick: Red Velvet
Shadestick: Penny
MSF: Perfect Topping
All in all, I'm figuring the cost to be just over £100, which is reasonable to me. Considering what I spent in the month of March. My impulse buy with Hello Kitty definitely taught me a lesson - be more discerning. I need to ask myself questions like "Do you really need a bright tangerine-orange lipgloss?" or "You have three hot-pink lipsticks that you NEVER WEAR. Do you honestly need a fourth?"
Still, it did jumpstart my collection. I may sell-swap the things I decide I don't love (I'm struggling even to have a grudging respect for Nice to be Nice lipglass right now) but for now, eh, the damage is done, I'll get over it.
Sorry there haven't been any videos either. I've been busyyy. And exhausted. I could fall asleep right now. I didn't even get a chance to sleep in this weekend, it sucked out loud. But, I digress.
More soon! I'm just thanking the Flying Spaghetti Monster that it's payday on Friday.
I need to get my hands on some more MAC. It really is an addiction. Ehehe. But I'm holding out for Sugarsweet for now. I've made a plan to buy 1-2 brushes per pay period (ie: month) but not sure it'll happen this month. Which is okay I guess since I technically bought 4+3 last month (4 brushes plus the HK set) so I'm ahead of the game.
ANYway I realize I'm rambling now so I'll leave off here.
Muchlove, chickadees!
Xoxo Vix
Thursday, 19 March 2009
I was at work yesterday afternoon and one of the ladies who sits on my row of desks came over to have me look at something and see if I could help her figure out what to do with it. And as we were going through it, she interrupted herself to tell me that my eyeshadow was "well awesome" or something to that effect. And it totally made my day. Love! I've got photos of yesterday's Face of the Day, which I might upload when I get a chance =]
But that little conversation yesterday, it made me realize that this is something I want to strive for. To put real effort into my everyday makeup, instead of slacking and being plain. I want more days like yesterday. Maybe that makes me selfish and vain, but honestly I don't care. The compliments you don't expect are the ones that really make an impact, and it really made me feel good, both about myself but also about my skill at makeup application.
I'm rambling now, so I'll leave off there for now, but I just wanted to share.
In other news, I'm going to be opening a forum affiliated with my blog, where we all can talk about makeup and skincare and fashion, to post reviews and the like. It's not ready yet, I'm still tinkering with InvisionFree and trying to find a fabtastic skin, but when it's up I'll add a link to my sidebar. Hope to see you there!
Monday, 16 March 2009
Why The Delay? Also: The 226 <3
I've been trying to get photos of everything, but the lighting is super bad in here, and my flash is so bright it's reflecting off the packaging and blinding me. So, I need to take some shots in some natural light where flash is not required, and I just haven't had the tim to take pictures yet. Once the last part of the haul has been photographed I'll swatch and share everything with you. Love!
Although at this rate I'm going to be swatching HK at the same time as Sugarsweet, and this is not good. Sigh.
Anyway, that aside, I want to write a little something about the 226 brush.
For those who don't know, the 226 is a tapered blending brush that is perfectly shaped to do eye-contouring-crease work. Oh. My. God. Seriously, this brush makes creasework idiotproof. It applies and blends at the same time, it's just amazing. It makes me wonder how I ever did eye makeup before discovering a brush like this! If you can find somewhere that stocks them (and my personal tip is that the MAC counter in Debenhams at Meadowhall (upstairs, inner entrace for those who do not know... For shame!) still has some, I just picked mine up yesterday after being given the WRONG brush on Saturday afternoon), I very highly suggest this brush. My brush collection is small and still growing, but I can already see that this is going to be an everyday staple in my life. Because it's limited edition (if the MAC people don't seem to know what you're talking about when you say 226, you may have to explain to them that it came with the Brunette Blonde Redhead collection. The three people I spoke to at my MAC counter had no idea what I was on about until I added the collection. I got a "We have a 224 is that it?" no. It is not.) I'm tempted to pick up a spare, but then... I can't really afford to, and I know that if I have a spare, I won't use it. But if I don't get one, I'll need it.
It's a paradox. We'll see, they'll probably be out of stock anyway so I can stop panicking.
I ramble a lot. Also, I use a lot of parentheses. Oh well.
ANYway, that is all. So my proper haulage is coming soon - I did try to upload a video to YouTube but it was way too long even without swatches that there is no way. If I have to break it down into parts I might as well do it properly instead of cutting up my rush-job. And the 226 is the one brush I can't live without, already. Love.
And man, WHO ELSE IS PSYCHED FOR THE SUGARSWEET COLLECTION? A makeup collection based around cupcakes and baking!? This was literally made for people like me! I am so excited. But I'm wondering if I'll be able to afford any Kitty Kouture as well, sigh. Thank god I've started doing overtime, because I am hella going to need it.
This addiction... it's consuming. But oh god, is it worth it.
Ta-ta for now!
Vix xox
MAC Collection Info: Sugarsweet

Launch Date: March 19th, 2009 (North America), April 2009 (International)
Sweet Thing Mid-tone magenta with multi dimensional pearl (Lustre)
Bubbles Sheer frosty white beige (Glaze) (Repromote)
Touch Peachy cinnamon (Lustre) (Permanent)
Lollipop Loving Mid-tone coral with subtle green and gold iridescence (Glaze) (Repromote)
Saint Germain Pastel pink (Amplified Creme) (Repromote, Perm international)
Tricolour Lipglass ($17.50)
Tasty Top Sheer blue pink with reflects, Middle Mid-tone blue pink with duochrome pearlized pigments, Bottom Dark creamy red pink
Just Dessert Top Sheer yellow pink with reflects, Middle Mid-tone yellow pink with duochrome pearlized pigments, Bottom Mid-tone creamy yellow pink
Simpy Delicious Top Sheer peach with reflects, Middle Pale coral with duochrome pearlized pigments, Bottom Creamy mid-tone coral
Triple-Yum Top Sheer gold with gold reflects, Middle True gold with duochrome pearlized pigments, Bottom Mid-tone bronze
Consume Me Top Sheer white with reflects, Middle Pale mint with duochrome pearlized pigments, Bottom Creamy light peach with pearlized pigments
Eyeshadow ($14.50)
Sugarshot Pale frosty beige (Lustre)
Dear Cupcake Mid-tone pink coral with gold pearlized pigments (Satin)
Aquavert Soft mint with white pearlized pigments (Veluxe Pearl) (Repromote)
Stars n Rockets Lavender with red/pink reflects (Veluxe Pearl) (Permanent)
Club Muted reddish brown duochrome with green opalescent shimmer (Satin) (Permanent)
Shadestick ($16.50)
Cakeshop Frosted light neutral beige
Butternutty Frosted pale white gold
Lemon Chiffon Frosted pewter
Red Velvet Frosted mid-tone pink
Penny Light pinky copper (Repromote)
Mineralize Skinfinish ($27.00)
Perfect Topping Pink/peach/lavender melange
Refined Tan/peach/coral melange
Peppermint Patti Creamy mint green (Cream)
Seasonal Peach Creamy pale peachy pink (Cream)
34 Lash
Friday, 13 March 2009
Much More to Come
Anyway, my lack of updates (aside from the easy old colour collection dealies I've posted the past few days) is due to two things: a four-day migraine headache that had me so debilitated, I couldn't remember how to spell "legislation" while I was trying to do work; and the impending move! Luckily the headache finally went away last night, and most of the "This has to be done by Thursday night!!" work for the move has been done, so it's more chilled. SO I will have more blogging and more videos for you soon.
So anyway, just giving you all a little bit of an update. Watch this space; I'll have a haul (with pics this time) blog/video up for you this weekend =]
Vix xox
Thursday, 12 March 2009
MAC Collection Info: Naked Honey

MAC Cosmetics Naked Honey Collection
Bees do it… now M•A•C does it! Honey that is! As ancient and exotic as Kohl, great beauties have long revered the natural restorative powers of the Golden Elixir.
Following the example of their fabled Queen, Cleopatra, Egyptians bathed in honey and milk. Queen Anne of England used it to silken her hair; from the Ancient Greeks to the Roman Empire, honey has never lost its regal, ever-amber lustre. We love the luxury of its sensual essence…but we also know that it’s a highly efficient and wholesome humectant and healer. Introducing our limited edition Naked Honey collection – three aspects of golden warmth and sun-made sweetness for the body, layered with two decidedly different honeycomb-derived fragrances – celebrating the secret lives of Queen Bees. Complementary shade of High-Light Powder, Eye Shadow and Lipglass are all the buzz for summer.
She’s a Star Light neutral gold
Queen Bee Mid-tone apricot with multi-dimensional pearl
Buzz Dark copper brown with multi-dimensional pearl
Eyeshadow ($14.50 US/$17.00 CDN)
Crème de Miel Frosty light yellow gold
Pollinator Mid-tone warm reddened peach with pearl
Buckwheat Dark copper brown with multi-dimensional pearl
High-Light Powder ($24.50 US/$29.50 CDN)
Honey Light A light peachy gold with shimmer
Golden Nectar Muted golden tan with gold shimmer
Naked Honey Skin Salve ($18.50 US/$22.50 CDN)
Naked Honey Hand And Body Cream ($22.50 US/$27.00 CDN)
Naked Honey Body Wash ($19.50 US/$23.50 CDN)
Creations: Naked Honey ($22.50 US/$28.50 CDN)
Creations: Africanimal ($22.50 US/$28.50 CDN)

Wednesday, 11 March 2009
MAC Collection Info: Double Dazzle
All you need is Love… Lips and Lashes! Summer simplified for the modern makeup minimalist. Double Dazzle will daze the closest competition with colour-changing, light-reflecting pearl-shine lips; paired with a new formula for the ultimate in voluptuous lashes, et voilà ! Lips lead: seven new Dazzleglass shades bring the scintillating selection up to 18! The flotilla-of-lights formula imparts the pearl combination with mega-glisten shine, creamy comfort and the subtle sensation of vanilla. Lashes follow: multiplied, volumized, utterly glorified by our newest eye innovation…This sly new small-and-mighty brush has been developed to capture and emphasize each and every lash. Lips, Lashes, Lovers…Look out!
Sugarrimmed Milky pale pink with red, teal and white pearl
Goldyrocks Sheer soft yellow with pink and gold pearl
Moth to Flame Sheer neutral beige with violet pearl
Smile Light coral with pink and gold pearl
Steppin’ Out Clean yellow pink with red pearl
Utterly Posh Mid-tone orange with pink and gold pearl
Love Alert Raspberry red with red pearl
Date Night Deep plum with blue and gold pearl
Funtablulous Purple with violet pearl
Extra Amps Sheer bright blue pink with blue and pink pearl
Like Venus Clean light bubble gum pink with red pearl
Stop! Look! Sheer violet mauve with blue and pink pearl
Money Honey Mid-tone rosy mauve with red pearl
Rags to Riches Plumm y pink with teal and red pearl
Baby Sparks Pale pink with violet pearl
Bare Necessity Caramel apricot with red and gold pearl
Girl’s Delight Sheer mid-tone tan with gold pearl
Get Rich Quick Warm yellow brown
Dazzle Lash ($12.00 U.S. / $14.00 CDN)
Star Brunette Brown
Black Dazzle Black

The pictures do the talking, but wow. Dazzleglass. Enough said, really.
Once again, information from temptalia.com <3
MAC Collection Info: Style Warriors

MAC Cosmetics Style Warriors
US Release Date: May 28th 2009
UK Release Date: June 4th 2009
Emerging from every corner of the glamorous globe, a new Style Warrior. Made to celebrate the cross-cultural sophistication of the modern Amazon Princess, African Queen, Crouching Tigress… Never before have we seen the “Wild Things” of the world come together in quite so many bold new combinations. Introducing a dramatically different and deliberately diverse colour story, an eclectic and expressive way to exalt and admire the strength and solidarity of beauty with no barriers. A selection of all-over summer bronzing shades for Lips, Cheeks, Eyes, Nails, featuring the innovation of Impassioned, Bronzescape and Scatterrays Solar Bits – sunbursts to unleash the animal in every woman. All exotically packaged in stylized zebra and leopard prints to keep it wild and free – the way it always ought to be.
Sunsational Sheer frosted beige gold
Brave New Bronze Creamy mid-tone pink nude
Purple Rite Mid-tone frosty orchid
Tribalist Creamy blackened berry
Lipglass ($14.00)
Liberated Sheer yellow gold with pearl
Gold Rebel Sheer copper bronze with pearl
Fierce & Fabulous Bright magenta purple with pearl
Style Warrior Blackened bronze brown with pearl
Eyeshadow ($14.50)
Soft Force Frosty pale white gold
Bright Future Frosty bright yellow gold
Tempting Sinfully rich coco
Vibrant Grape Bright magenta purple
Night Maneuvers Deep charcoal brown with pearl
Eye Kohl ($14.50)
Smolder Intense black
Pro Lash Mascara ($12.00)
Coal Black Honest-to-goodness black
Beauty Powder Blush ($18.00)
Eversun Neutral peach bronze with gold pearl
On A Mission Pearly mid-tone plum
Solar Bits ($19.50)
Scatterrays Soft metallic peach with gold pearl
Bronzescape Clean yellow brown with gold pearl
Impassioned Frosty cool taupe
Nail Lacquer ($11.00)
Peaceable Pearly pale golden beige
Violet Fire Bright creamy magenta purple
Mercenary Frosted blackened bronze
Brush ($23.00)
242 Firm fibre Brush with rounded edge for smooth, even application of powder, emollient and concealer products

Seriously. When I first heard about this collection and saw some promo photos for it, I really wasn't that interested. But now that I've seen some photos of the products, there are several things out of this collection that I want. What's on your wish list? I don't even know mine yet.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Shipping Confirmation!
It was getting to the point last night where I was beginning to wonder if they were ever going to send things out, and was going to speak to customer services (again) tonight if I hadn't heard anything yet. But I checked my email while I was getting ready for work this morning, and I received two shipping confirmations at around 1:30 this morning. <3
Can't wait to post my haulage!
Monday, 9 March 2009
All Hope Is Not Lost!
I had been waiting with bated breath for the release of the Hello Kitty collection. Even though I knew it wasn't due for release until Thursday March 5th, I found myself checking the website during my lunch hour, checking it after work just before I left, checking it again multiple times at night - I really, really did not want to miss it.
Last Wednesday, the day before the official UK release date, Hello Kitty went live on MAC's website. I was just about to leave work, had my coat on and ready to head out, but while I waited for my friend to finish getting ready to go, I checked the website. And there it was. And the feeling that overcame me was something between childish glee - and abject panic. I was about to leave work and didn't think I would have time to place an order, so I very nearly left it until I got home. But my friend was taking her time, so I decided to order.
And ladies (and James), let me tell you, it was a big order. I was so excited and as I went home it was all I could think about. I'd ordered my Hello Kitty items! Huzzah!
Of course, it turned out to be a good (and bad) thing that I had ordered online before heading home. My bus was majorly delayed due to an "incident" in one of the neighbourhoods it has to pass through, and had to go through this INSANELY PACKED police detour. (The incident involved, by the way... all of us on the bus heard/thought someone had been shot and when we saw a bundle of white up the street we all thought it was the body. No, turns out, someone was stabbed in the arm and the bundle of white was just a duvet, haha). All the while my aunts were texting me - we were supposed to meet some friends at a restaurant for dinner at six. In the end, they picked me up across the street from my home bus stop and we headed straight out - I didn't get home until after 8ish and by that time things on the website had started selling out.
It was at this time that I decided to order the rest of the items - the glitter eyeliners and a couple of other things that I was after, such as Eye Kohl in Fascinating, and a Bare Study paint pot. After this, I also ordered the two makeup bags that hadn't been in my first two orders. I was excited beyond belief - I was getting one of everything from the HK collection, bar three accessories that I wasn't interested in anyway. Score!
BUT then came Thursday.
I had a missed call on my mobile phone and a voicemail. Because I was at work I couldn't answer the phone, but at noon I checked my voicemail - it was a lady named Sandy at MAC Online, asking that I call her back about my order, and that "the other would not be released" until she had spoken to me. Immediately I started to panic kind of... Thinking she was calling to tell me I couldn't get some of the items. Which then turned from panic to slight annoyance - nothing was sold out when I'd ordered it so if they were telling me now that it was, I would not be a happy bunny.
I tried calling her back. No dice - I kept getting through to voicemail. I left one message, but I kept calling back and there was no answer. Eventually I called MAC Online's main customer service number, and explained to them what was going on. She got through to the first person's team and asked one of them to call me back. About an hour and a half later, I finally got a callback.
Basically, because it was a big order (and was in three sections, haha), and because the delivery address is different from my billing address, they wanted to do some extra security checks. We went through all of that - which was kind of funny, because she asked me why it was three orders (I couldn't make up my mind what I wanted and didn't want), why it was being sent to an alternate address (nobody where I live is home during the day, so I send packages to my grandparents' house since they're retired and at home to accept them for me), and then asked "Why did you order so much? Is it for personal or business use?" It made me laugh and I explained that it was just one of everything from the HK collection (which she'd see if she looked at the actual order...)
Anyway that was done and when I got home that night I checked their website and the order status had been changed from Processing to In Warehouse, to be packed. So I was very happy.
Until the next day, when I received an email in late afternoon telling me that "Due to the extreme demand of our Hello Kitty collection, the following items were sold out by the time the order was sent to our warehouse."
NOT. Happy.
I placed my order within the first hour or so that the collection was on their website, it was delayed by THEM and not me, and because of that delay I couldn't get 13 items on my order. I Called to complain but was put through to somebody to just tell me which items weren't being sent. Sigh. Eventually I managed to get an address for some manager lady to send a complaint to. I've written a letter of complaint and am sending it this week. I just really do not think it's cool that the delay was on their end and nobody bothered to reserve the items for me pending the security checks - had they not done them in the first place there would have been no issues with my order.
The GOOD news and happy ending to this story, is that when I got home that night I called my local MAC counter (at Meadowhall in Sheffield, those chicks rock out loud!) and explained my situation, and the girl I spoke to went through my "missing items" list and put away everything that wasn't being sent. The only thing I couldn't get was the mirrored key clip, but I can live without that.
So, I've got my first HK haul! I've put a video on youtube, which I will put on here when I get a chance, and will upload haul details with photos and swatches later.
Hopefully more to come soon! The two makeup bags have been dispatched already and should come soon, but the two makeup orders are still showing as In Warehouse - and this makes me a little nervous. So fingers crossed that there are no more issues, and I'll post them when they get here.
Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! =]
Friday, 6 March 2009
Issues with MAC Online customer service, and the HK Collection
What the...?
Anyway, onto the topic of this post...
I dream the most ridiculous crap sometimes.
First of all, about an hour after falling asleep last night, I started dreaming that someone was pounding loudly but slowly and persistently on my front door, demanding to be let in. I went to hide somewhere in the house so whoever it was - who clearly didn't want anything nicey-nice - wouldn't know I was home. The pounding actually woke me up and for a while I was convinced that my subconscious had incorporated a real sound into my dream. I pulled out my left earplug and listened for a while, but there was nothing other than the sound of my own pulse pounding in my ears.
So, I put it back in and went back to sleep. And then started to dream that I was having problems with my eyes. My doctor gave me some special contact lenses to wear and then told me to listen to a particular Britney Spears CD to stop the swelling.
Yes. Read that again. That's right.
I have no idea, it makes no sense to me either, but in the dream I was trawling a store trying to find this record, and then picked up two awesome hardcover books that were some kind of dark fiction, and the cover art was like Tim Burton's brand of stop-motion animation (think The Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, and Coraline. I *know* Tim Burton wasn't involved in Coraline BUT it's the same "feel" since it was the producer of TNBC so shut up).
Yeah, I was a bit weirded out.
So now I'm just waiting for a confirmation email telling me my MAC Online UK order has been dispatched. Whoo.
OH, yeah. I had other biggish news.
The night before last my aunt had a phone call from my granny. I have a second cousin (my grandmother's sister's son) who has Down's Syndrome, and he lives in a care unit and spends weekends at "home" with his mom and dad, my great-aunt and -uncle. Well apparently there was some kind of fire in their main building, and the place is not habitable at all right now. They don't know yet whether any of the things in his living area are salvageable, but hopefully they'll find out soon. LUCKILY, nobody was hurt and everyone got out. My cousin is staying with my grandmother for the next few days until his parents come back home - they're away in Iman until Tuesday. So yeah, thank god everyone is okay.
It's still bad because... well lots of damage. And they can't move back in, and my cousin, he was really settled there, and now he's going to have to start all over again in a new place, and it'll take him a while to adjust. And he can't just stay at home, because my great-aunt and -uncle are in their seventies: not happening. Anyway I'll keep you all posted, and will do another makeup update when I get home. If I get time I'll upload a video review for my Blemish Balm. AND upload all the friggin' pictures I still need to add to all my previous entries.
So far, as a beauty blogger, I totally suck.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Update on the MAC-Attack
Can't wait!
Also, I'm officially on YouTube. My video makes me sound like a bored weirdo with no personality so I apologise. I was trying to be quiet, and wanted to make a video but had no idea what to make it about so it's crap.
Anyway, my YT channel is at http://www.youtube.com/user/inconspicuousbeauty
Enjoy! <3
Apparently I'm a very suspicious young lady
They finally just called me back thank goodness.
It was what I figured it was... they thought I was a fraudster because I placed three orders that totalled A LOT and had it delivered to a different address from my billing address.
So she asked me what the billing address was and I told her, then she asked me to name some roads around the road my address is on. I floundered a bit, I only know two roads near my house.. one around the corner and the main road. So I told her that and said I don't know the area well because I've lived there less than a year. So she asked how long I've lived there and I told her, but I explained that I live with family and we take the car everywhere so I don't need to know road names etc. Sigh.
So then she asked me why I'm delivering it to another address, which is simple. Everyone in my household works full time and nobody is home during the day to accept deliveries - so I get things shipped to my grandmother's house because my grandparents are retired and it's easier for me just to send it to their house. Sigh. THEN she asked for the landline number for my home address, even though she already has my work number and mobile number.
Then she asked "Why have you ordered such large quantities? Is it for personal or business use?" So I had to explain that I wanted the entire HK Collection - which she would know if she'd actually looked at my orders and seen it for herself, it's kind of obvious I'd think. Then she asked why it was in more than one order. Simple - I placed the first order at work in a hurry. Got home late, decided to go ahead and order the rest. Besides they have a maximum order amount and everything I ordered was over that =P
ANYway she's passed it back to their financial department to authorise it, and said they'd get back to me again in case they need any more information.
Got me stressin' because it sounded like she didn't believe me lol. When I said I didn't know the area she sounded like she was all "and why is that!" I'm not from this country, I don't even know road names around the house I grew up in for fourteen years in Canada lol.
Anyway, at least they didn't tell me some of the stuff was unavailable. HOPEfully they'll authorise it and it'll get shipped tomorrow for me. <3 Back to the waiting game.
Phone Tag and The Waiting Game
Then last night I placed another order for a couple other things I wasn't sure whether to buy or not (like the glitter liners and big vanity case). So exciting. My order consists of one of EVERYTHING except the charm bracelet, the plushie, and the tote bag - and two of the Pink Fish lip conditioner.
Well today at lunchtime I checked my mobile phone and I had a missed call from an unknown number at 10:30 this morning, and a voicemail. Called voicemail and it was someone from MAC Online's customer support team saying she needed to talk to me about my order and that it wouldn't be released until I'd spoken to her. Immediately I started thinking, oh god she's going to tell me something's sold out - even though I know I was one of the first to place and order and things weren't flagged as sold out on the site until a half hour after I'd placed my order.
So I called back, left a voicemail on her machine, thinking she was at lunch. I'm obsessed and manic and called back every 5 minutes for two hours, but no answer (no, I'm not a psycho stalker I only left the one voicemail haha).
Around 2 I got fed up and called the main customer services line (rather than just calling her direct extension) and the lady I got through to spoke to someone else in the first lady's team and took my order numbers and said the other person would look into it and call me back. I gave them my work number so I won't miss the call again.
WELL it's been an hour and they haven't called me back yet. I know it's *only* an hour but I'm going to stress until I get everything sorted out. I'm going to give it until 4 and then call back and see if I can tell them to call my mobile number instead, because I'm leaving the office at 4:30 and it would be just my luck that customer services call my desk number at 5:30 when I'm already at home.
So frustrating, I hate playing phone tag. And I'm hoping hoping praying they're just confirming addresses (I get things shipped to a relative in the same city because nobody at my billing address is home to accept deliveries) or just another authorisation because it's such a huge order amount.
Fingers crossed. I'll let you know if/when I hear back!
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Have you ordered yours yet?
I managed to get my order in, and got one of almost everything from the Mild/Wild collection.. I also got a few from the accessories - the brush set, the medium makeup bag, the purse-mirror and the keychain mirror doodad.
So excited. I'll post a blow by blow when I get home from work, and I can't wait for it all to come!
It's a good thing my ex-manager gave me a raise today because I am damn well going to need it to fill the brand-spanking new hole in my savings account.
So, I did more damage. As I was doing it, I knew I shouldn't but I really needed to. That vanity case was amazing looking and I do need more storage. I have one of everything aside from three accessory items (the plushie, the charm bracelet and the tote bag) coming to me in the mail. Plus a couple other miscellaneous things. Photos to be updated here and once everything comes I'll post a haul with photos and swatches. I know you don't believe me, since I'm crapariffic at adding photos so far, but I promise they are coming! <3
So excited, I can't wait for my haulage to come.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
MAC Haul 02/03/09 - My first!
So, first things first. I did a bit of a MAC haul yesterday. I actually went to Meadowhall (the local mall’s name) in search of some gym clothes. I got sidetracked by MAC, which is just as well because I couldn’t find any gym clothes afterward anyway. So I spent my gym-clothes fund on a webcam. Which means, Inconscpicuous Beauty may be coming to a YouTube near you!
Maybe =]
Anyway, what did I get? Reviews of each product will come separately when I get a chance to use everything.
First, I really needed some powder foundation. My skin isn’t used to wearing liquid every day, and this may be why my Studio Sculpt has made me break out. Not major breaking out, a little under the nose, on the chin area, and one or two near my left eyebrow. Still, not pretty. So I wanted to give it a bit of a break and get some Powder that I can use on a rotational basis depending on my needs and how my skin is faring. Besides which, it will be able to double as a setting powder until I get some Blotting Powder or something. I haven’t used it yet, so no opinions aside from it sure *looks* smooth, haha.
Studio Fix Powder Plus foundation. Shade: NC15.
[[Insert image here]]
Review-link coming soon.
THEN of course, I also got a different liquid foundation. I’ve heard Studio Sculpt makes people break out anyway, so it might be the foundation that’s doing it. In any case, I bought some Studio Fix Fluid foundation, which I’ve used twice so far, and so far so good.
Studio Fix SPF 15 Foundation. Shade: NC15.
[[insert image here]]
Review-link coming soon.
I went with the intent of buying the above foundations and also two or three powder eyeshadows that I can use to create a natural-neutral look. So, I asked the sales assistant to suggest some shades for me, and out of the tons she showed me together, I picked Sable and Folie. At first, I was dubious about these colours as Sable seemed too dark for a base, and Folie seemed too similar to Sable to be useable for a contour colour. But, I tried them yesterday and today and I love them together. The look is slightly darker than I was going for, but I still love it. Looks great with a dusting of white eyeshadow blended under the brow, and a tiny bit of white shadow applied around the inner corner. I might do a tutorial at some point, but I’m not sure yet because in all likelihood, I’m going to suck at tutorials. But there you go.
I’m not going to review these separately, but I’ll do a review on MAC’s powder eyeshadow pots at somepoint.
Powder Eyeshadow Pot. Shade: Folie, Sable.
[[insert image here]]
Then, I needed brushes. All weekend I’d spent at home agonizing over which three brushes I would allow myself to buy. I didn’t want to overdo it, and we all know that MAC brushes are amazing, but relatively expensive. So in the end I narrowed it down to the 217 eyeshadow brush, the 109 contouring brush, to be used with my liquid foundations, and the 134 face brush, for applying powder.
I did manage to get the 217 – and I will tell you now this is a great all-purpose “starter brush”. If you want to get some MAC eyeshadow brushes but can’t afford to go out and buy six at once or anything, start with the 217. You can use one side to apply your base color, the other side to apply your highlight color – or a second color for blending – and use the tip to define and contour the crease and outer corner. Awesome brush, totally recommended. Just be careful, white-bristled brushes are more prone to staining, especially if you’re using it to pack on colour and not just to blend out the edges.
However, the counter that I went to didn’t stock the 134 – the sales assistant said they only stock them at their stand-alone stores, of which there are zero in Sheffield – and they didn’t have the 109 in stock either. This made me sad, but it’s okay, I just bought two other brushes to compensate.
I got the 187 and 188 large and small (respectively) duo-fibre stippling brushes. The large one I use to apply foundation all over, and the small one can be used to blend places that the larger brush might miss – for example, down the sides of the nose. I love them so far, but I still really want the 109 to buff on my foundation.
187 Duo Fibre Brush
[[insert image here]]
188 Small Duo Fibre Face Brush
[[insert image here]]
217 Blending Brush
[[insert image here]]
When I got home I put some clear nail polish top coat over the numbers to preserve them. Because I’m OCD like that.
On a side note, I also have four more brushes coming in the mail. I got four for just over £20 from ebay, so they’ll probably be fake – I got a fake 190 last week and am sending it back for a refund. If they are not fake, I’ll post them up. If they are, those babies are going back!
I also picked up a bottle of their brush cleanser, which is a must. Up to now I’ve been using some old Clinique facial cleansing gel to clean my brushes, because it’s for the wrong skin type and I can’t use it to wash my face. But it can’t be good for the brushes so I’ve got the proper stuff now.
Brush Cleanser
[[insert image here]]
As I was checking out, I saw the tinted lip conditioner and grabbed some of that, too. I’d been admiring it on the website and forgot about it until I saw it right in front of me, and just had to! I wore it today and it’s super moisturizing, even though it only lasted about an hour before it got wiped off on my orthodontist’s latex gloves. Fail.
Tinted Lip Conditioner SPF 15. Shade: Petting Pink.
[[insert image here]]
Trust me, this picture doesn’t do it justice, the real colour is pink-er than it looks here.
And finally I got a pump for my liquid foundation. It seems like such a little thing but I have to mention it because it is awesome! I was so amused and excited when I discovered the little “lid” that comes with it. I love it, it’s so effing cute.
[[insert image here]]
Unfortunately, I totally forgot that I wanted Eye Kohl in Fascinating (white), even though I saw it, swatched it, and then started asking the sales assistant for things. Sigh. Oh well, white eyeshadow will have to do until I can get one.
That’s all for now, but more will be coming soon. The much-ancitipated, super-coveted Hello Kitty collection is released here in the UK on Thrusday March 5th – set your alarms ladies! I’ll be placing an order the minute the collection is on their website, so I can get the must-haves before they sell out. More haulage to come.
And then I *really* need to behave until payday.