Anyway, the results of the test I posted earlier are in!
Advance warning, those of you who have seen my FOTD pics on Specktra and viewed my ever-so-few YouTube videos and who are now operating under the absolute certaintly that I have the most flawless complexion and dewy skin known to mankind, are in for a rude awakening. The below pictures, well, they show me at a point of exhaustion that no amount of makeup can hide with any degree of success. And I haven't touched up my concealer or foundation all day - makeup was applied at 7 this morning and photos were taken at 7 this evening. SO, all kinds of nasty imperfections are evident in the following photographs. You have been warned!
Anyway here's the info. I followed my usual routine for face - moisturizer, concealer, studio fix fluid foundation. Then on the right eye (my left eye, the one to the right in the photos) I used Bare Study paint pot as a base. On the right I layered the Bare Study paint pot over a thin layer of Urban Decay Primer Potion. The idea was to test whether or not UDPP made a difference, to see if Paint Pots would work as well as primers/bases on their own.
For those who are interested, the colours on my eyes were Paradisco on the inner corner, with Ricepaper then blended out over the entire lid, Swish washed on top of that, and with a light wash of Sable in the crease. I used Urban Decay 24/7 liner in 1999 to line the water line and upper lash line, then put some Kitty Power glitter liquid liner on top. Completed with a little Fascinating eye kohl under the inner corner of the eye and some Plushblack mascara. Tadahh, good to go.
Obviously the colour isn't exactly how it looked this morning, and you can view the below photos and make your own decisions, but I'm personally not seeing a HUGE difference between the eye with and without Primer Potion. I suppose the colour did stay SLIGHTLY more true with the UDPP underneath everything, but neither eye suffered from creasing or having the colours fade away.
So my verdict is that if you've got Paint Pots, use them. Primer Potion is great on its own as a primer, but if you want to use both the difference will only be marginal - both products perform pretty well on their own.
What do you guys think?

Just a quick edit to add that no, I didn't touch up my eyeliner ever. I'm really impressed with the staying power of these 24/7 liners, most markedly on the waterline. My eyes always water - usually while waiting for my bus to work, due to allergies or wind blowing in my face - so it's a miracle there was any left by the end of the day. But I didn't have to touch up once. Score! I'll do a proper review later, but this deserved to be mentioned =]
You are a rockstar, thanx for the love in the previous post! Its funny I was gonna try to do the UDPP under my PP but stupid me used soft ochre, which ive used once, and so its still kinda hard to work with and it didnt blend in well, which was the pps fault not the udpp. But from the little i tried, it seemed like a good idea with udpp underneath, maybe for people like me who have drier lids.
ReplyDeleteDid you notice a difference when you applied the makeup, like did one eye blend easier than another?
Hey doll!
ReplyDeleteWe'll have to do another synchronized experiment one day, haha. I kept checking my makeup in the bathroom while at work to see if there were any differences.
And no, I think because the Paint Pot goes on over the UDPP anyway, it felt like the same canvas to me while I was doing my eye makeup (although to be perfectly honest I wasn't paying strong attention to this at the time, but it didn't jump out to me). I might give this one another shot though and do PP VS UDPP, each on their own, to see if there's any real difference that way. xxx